Dear Readers and Subscribers,
From time to time, I update my audience on the form and direction of my Substack writing projects. Currently, my readership has grown accustomed to my Sunday morning posts. These weekly offerings are mostly of the Op-Ed variety, centering on my contemporary views on politics, philosophy, or religion topics. These posts, deriving from my take on current events and generally conclude with some references to a Biblical world view that I hold. That is why I chose Sunday mornings for these posts as I believe that is the traditional day for introspective and self-contemplating work.
Because my "day job" is CFO of a mid-sized restaurant group, I encounter many business-related situations that also capture my writing interest. So much so that to address my observations within the business community, I published the book, Restaurant Management, the Myth, the Magic, the Math. I am currently working on a follow up book on business growth. Occasionally, I have used my Sunday posting slot to publish articles on business topics that have also caught my attention. The following are three such examples of business articles posted this past year:
I am adding another weekly installment to my It Would Be Nice If: Substack channel. I am dubbing it, All Business Wednesday. Whereas Sunday will be reserved for my Op-Ed musings, Wednesday morning posts will be related to my business observations. My goal is twofold. First, I wish to provide more content to my current subscribers. Second, I hope that, in doubling my output and expanding the topic reach to the business community, I may double my subscriber base in the ensuing year.
This morning’s regular post is titled, DEI; Is the equal distribution of ideas and is on a topic that I have long criticized. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion policies are initiatives that sound wonderful until one discovers who is pulling the levers behind the curtain. I am interested in my readers response to DEI and its effect on the distribution of ideas.
This coming week, I will post my first All business Wednesday article titled, Psychopathy vs. Empathy; Which management trait holds the keys to success? It is a piece on leadership that I have worked several weeks on writing and refining. In it, I critique the notion that a little psychopathy helps leaders to excel in business.
I humbly thank you, my followers and subscribers, for supporting my work. It gives me great joy to write for you. Also, with people reading my work, I do not need to answer this classic conundrum, “if a tree falls in the forest and no one is there to hear it, does it make a noise?” In the mega Substack forest, you have found me and heard my “noise.” I will be ever grateful if you help me by sharing my writing with your various social media and influence platforms.