Dear Subscribers,
Thank you for your continued interest and support of my work. Until this Newsletter, you came to me through this Substack channel titled It Would Be Nice If… This channel is usually reserved for weekly postings regarding my observations of business, economics, and political news of the day. From time to time, when I feel it is important to communicate with my subscribers in a more personal matter, I will use this more typical newsletter format. Through this newsletter, I will explain some of my current and future writing projects as well as give you a little bit of insight into how I perceive my work.
First, a personal note. This summer has been a whirlwind of activity both professionally and personally. As a CFO of medium-size restaurant group, we are adding two more locations this fall. This brings our group to a new level based on revenue and the over 700 team members that fall under my financial watch. I also renovated my home this summer with the idea of reducing my footprint by 50% will give me more time to write. Here is a picture of my newly minted library desk and with that, the dream that I may have a comfortable and motivating space to continue my work.
The second piece of information I wish to share with my subscribers is the origins of It Would Be Nice If… This is the Substack channel where I offer no-cost obligation articles based on my business experience, my attempts to understand these events and my personal aspirations to improve my management thereof. I have struggled the find the proper timing of when these articles should be released. Those of you that have been with me since the beginning have probably come to understand the randomness of my posts.
It has been suggested that consistency is the name of the game with my formal writing offerings. To that end, I have chosen to release one article each week at 8 AM Sunday morning. Some may ask why such an odd time? The answer is editing. As a professional CFO, my Monday through Friday schedule simply does not allow for the focus time it takes to edit and post articles. Although most my writing takes place between 5 and 7 AM each morning, dashing off my thoughts on any particular subject does not take very long. However, editing and preparing a piece for posting takes time and attention I simply do not have during the week. So, to my faithful followers of It Would Be Nice If… you should expect a weekly posting on Sunday mornings.
Some have asked what is the significance of It Would Be Nice If…? The answer is alcohol. Those who follow my career know I am a 45-year restaurant veteran. And, if you read my book, Restaurant Management, the Myth, the Magic, the Math, you also know that I am a recovering alcoholic, 14 years sober as of July. How did alcohol lead to the title of my formal posts? Alcohol is a crutch used by about 50% of the people on earth. Some simply use alcohol to unwind at the end of the day while others use it to wash away a troubled conscience. But mostly, alcohol is a magnifying glass on the soul. Alcohol applied in ample amounts will unearth an individual's most hardened inner nuggets of truth.
Back in my drinking days I would imbibe each night while pondering the problems of the day. Under my nightly ritualist sacrifice to Baucus, I would mentally draft the solutions to these problems, always with the notion that I would jot down my insights in the morning. And like clockwork, morning would arrive with the requisite hangover and foggy memory of my previous evening's brilliant solutions. Like the movie, Groundhog Day, I lived the same booze-soaked day over and over until I got sober. There is nary a restaurant person who gets stuck in the day-to-day cycle of the work the doesn't find themselves attached to these lyrics from Billy Joel's "The Piano Man:"
"Now John at the bar is a friend of mine
He gets me my drinks for free
And he's quick with a joke, or to light up your smoke
But there's some place that he'd rather be
He says, 'Bill, I believe this is killing me'
As a smile ran away from his face
'Well, I'm sure that I could be a (writer)
If I could get out of this place'"
Getting sober did not stop the nagging thoughts in my head about the world I was witnessing, but it did stop my ability to forget what was bouncing around in my head. My solution to putting those ping-ponging thoughts to rest was to write them down.
Additionally, since I am also a lifelong restaurateur, I spent many an hour on both sides of the bar either pouring the drink of lost souls or sitting elbow to elbow with drunks while pontificating on how to solve the world's problems. Many a slurred reproach started with "It would be nice if…" Thus, I figured that was the best title for an ex-alcoholic to use for my articles on, business, philosophy and reverence for the Deity that provided such a beautiful world.
It should be known to my readers that using It Would Be Nice If... as my vehicle to drain the thoughts swirling about my head has turned out to be the best way to keep me sober. When I write my articles, it removes the space those thoughts occupy in my mind. If you want any proof of this fact, ask me about an article I wrote last week, and I myself will have to reread it to remember exactly what I wrote. So, you my audience have unknowingly been helping to keep me sober, and for that, I salute you.
Finally, I am announcing the start of another book project in September. I have yet to come up with a title for this work, but it will delve into a question of why? There is no doubt that forces behind government, education and economy are pushing the world into new and uncharted waters. Call it the "The Great Reset," Build Back Better," "ESG" or any number of educational initiatives, the question is not why people in power want these programs. The power brokers know that getting the world on-board with these ideas consolidates wealth and power into their hands. The question of "why" is centered on what is happening to far too many "educated" individuals that are cheerleading policies that ultimately will lead to their personal impoverishment, not only impoverishment of their bank accounts, but impoverishment of their very souls?
I intend to follow Alice down that rabbit hole in attempt to answer the question of, "why would people choose to support personal destruction in favor of enriching the few?" I suspect my journey will uncover how the powerful elite are pulling off this magnificent feat. To that end, I hope to point out what awaits those who presume to use their power and influence for personal gain at the expense of their neighbor. For the elite and powerful must be reminded of the words, "Abandon Hope All Ye Who Enter Here" inscribed upon the entrance to their final destination. For those brokering “A New World Order” all that truly remains unanswered is, what circle of hell their earthly actions will land them? Dante’ has already given us a great picture of the company today’s truth manipulators will eventually keep. I believe my book will serve as the detailed invitation to their spot in eternity. My assurance to these powerful elites is that no RSVP is required for their ultimate destination, for their passage has been prebooked on the Inferno Express.
So, to my subscribers, I look forward to your comments and shares as I continue to grow my readership through these multiple Substack channels.
Thank you for sharing this. I enjoy your weekly musings very much and look forward to your new book. Keep on keeping on👍🏻