I just came across the acronym HENRY which stands for High Earner, Not Rich Yet. It is a term that fits me to a tee. I am entering my fifth decade of out earning my parents but have yet to achieve the level of comfort and security their earlier and smaller incomes afforded. Where my parents could claim the title of retired or semi-retired as they entered their sixth decade on earth, I, at the same stage of life, am nowhere near that mark. And honestly, for me and the many other HENRYs of my generation, I do not think the type of retirement my parents enjoyed is even possible. Given the current economic conditions, I see no comfortable pathway forward that does not require us HENRYs to earn income well into our seventies to survive.
How did this happen? How, in one generation, did we go from the notion that, if offspring worked hard, they could exceed their parents' level of success, to the reality of HENRY? As a Gen X'er, I have written at length lamenting this current economic reality. I have spared no ink laying the blame at the feet of the baby boomer generation before me. Did we reach this point, the point where their HENRY offspring will continue to work harder and longer, because the boomer generation was selfish, narcissistic, or just plain checked out? The answer is yes, yes, and yes. But it goes much deeper than that.
The boomer generation let their guard down. And when no one is watching the hen house, the fox need not sneak over the fence, but merely saunter through the open gate unopposed. As boomers pursued free love in the '60s, boogie woogied their tush off in the '70s, selfishly commoditized their businesses, alla Gordon Gekko style, in the '80s, and partied like a Clinton in the Oval Office in the '90s, they let a destructive "fox" walk through the wide open front door of government.
While Bill Clinton wagged his finger at the American people and told us, “That he did not have sex with that woman...", the "fox" wasted no time setting up shop within our institutions. The boomers were fixated on the definition of what the word, "is," is and they could not be bothered to monitor what was truly happening under their watch. The menace embedded in government in the '90s was all too happy to let the boomers party like it was 1999, while it busied itself with its first test of world dominating power.
Many think the first virus leaked upon the world was COVID-19 in 2020. But they forget that SARS first hit the scene in the early 2000s and occupied the folks at CDC and NIH for at least a decade. Campaigns designed, not to inform, but the scare the population developed from those two highly funded government agencies. However, COVID-19 and SARS were not the first viruses to test the world's resilience to the Marxist infiltrators into world governments. The first virus scare to capture the world's attention was not of organic origins but of the cyber variety. It was the Y2K bug, and it was released upon the world in the late 90's. The Y2K bug was supposably a glitch in software code, whereby every computer program in the world was going to revert to the year 1900 on January 1, 2000. Propagated by the media and the tech industry, billions of dollars were spent fixing the glitch and the world was kept on pins and needles anticipating an economic crash the moment the clock stuck midnight at the end of the millennium. And that single manufactured event set the stage for how to manipulate the people of the world moving forward. It was the missing link in all failed prior attempts to insert communism into our culture.
What the communists learned through past failures is that controlling the media, academics and pop culture is not enough to sustain the movement beyond its initial coup. Eventually, the people spot the fraud and simply ignore the state-controlled narrative. Crisis, on the other hand, still gets people’s attention. Hence the over hype and all things climate, like hurricanes, heat waves and cold snaps. Wars are not just ginned up to keep the defense industry humming, they create existential crisis events. It was Rahm Emanuel in the Obama administration that said, “You never let a serious crisis go to waste.” Western countries have been in a constant state of crisis since the turn of the century. The only nuance of the crisis de jour is whether one gets their curated commentary from MSNBC, CNN, and NPR on the left or FOX News and Talk Radio on the right. For the communists in control, they honestly do not care where the news comes from, just as long as the crisis occupies real estate in the minds of the people. To add nuance to this point, the communist created the crisis of “miss or dis information” just to further distract and divide the people with yet another existential crisis.
This brings me to the classic George Orwell’s Animal Farm, the scariest children’s book ever written. Animal Farm story arc laid out the progression of what happened every time the “oppressed” seize the levers of power and overthrew their “oppressors.” At least Animal Farm followed the known progression of all communists’ movements up to the time of Orwell’s writing that novelette in 1945. The mistake we HENRYs make is that we assume everyone reading Orwell gets the same message. That message being that “power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” I read Animal Farm as a warning to never allow my government to fall into the same communist trap. Communists read the same story and conclude that the flaw in Napoleon’s plan was that he did not have enough Boxers in the pipeline. The communist also learned that keeping the Boxers producing also requires two additional components. First, Boxer needs to live in the allusion that he can improve his personal situation by laboring for the state. Secondly, Boxer needs to keep his mind focused on an existential crisis that places him as the savior, through his sacrifice, of the ever-looming state-manufactured problem. The communist, after studying Animal Farm concluded that the New World Order will not be sustainable with just two classes, the “oppressors” and the oppressed. For communism to work, a third class, the Boxer class, needs to be cultivated. Much to their disdain, the communist concluded that they needed HENRYs for the great society to work.
This is where the communist got lucky with their takeover of government in the United States. Unlike China, where the communists had to cultivate a middle-class tier of subjects to produce and tax, the West already had a thriving middle class of producing and taxable people. And unlike poor old Boxer, the new communist ceded that HENRYs will not work to get ahead if the effort is futile. So, how does the cultivation of a class of HENRYs that will work hard, tax hard and continue to perform while existing in perpetuity on the cusp of richness occur? Well, it takes education, or at least it takes control of education.
Our universities no longer produce thinkers, innovators, or philosophers, they churn out HENRYs. Well, to be fair, modern-day universities are producing two products, both necessary for the advancement of our post-Christian and post-Constitution world order. One group of graduates are the heartless, mindless robots necessary to fill the ranks of our corporate HR and DEI departments as well as the drones that occupy our administrative state agencies. The second group the universities send fourth are HENRYs. In the "New World Order" where, according to WEF chairman Klaus Schwab "you will own nothing and like it," both types of graduates are necessary to propagate Herr Klaus’s utopian fantasy. In this new economic model, there is an absolute symbiotic relationship between these two types of university produced citizens. And it is a relationship similar to a parasite and its host. One class of citizen needs to attach itself to a healthy (HENRY) class of citizen for its survival. However, it is important for this attached citizen not to kill the HENRYs, or work them into the ground, lest both wither and die.
The message the New World Order proponents got from Orwell's Animal Farm was not that communism is the most corruptible form of government. They entirely gloss over the part where, "The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already it was impossible to say which was which," and focused on the demise of Boxer. The true question that the communist felt compelled to solve from the story Animal Farm, was how to keep the Boxers in the game. The reality is, the communist can only sell Boxer for glue, once. The problem they looked to solve was, how do you keep the Boxers working and healthy enough to keep churning out taxable production, but dumb enough to equate their relative living standard with the false guilt of not truly earning it.
I would be remiss if I did not touch on the oppressed class of citizens necessary for our New World Order to succeed. They are the class of the permanently aggrieved. It really does not matter what their issues are or the number of individuals within each aggrieved group. As far as the aggrieved class goes, the communists are quite agnostic. Here they allow the "freedom" for any number of aggrieved groups to exist. They only need enough in totality to play the role of "oppressed" to the "oppressor" role fulfilled by all the HENRYs. The HR, DEI and administrative state class plays the role of referee on this reimagined farm. I think George Orwell would have been surprised that the very communist he meant to denigrate with Animal Farm did not take his work as a warning that communism doesn't work, but as a first step guide towards adjusting their thinking and modeling to achieve their end goal of total domination by destroying merit-based freedom.
The communist is forever on a quest to prove God does not exist. He reads Animal Farm to gain yet another insight into how to mold his world to suit this belief. The fact that communism fails every single time it is tried is no deterrent. The communist has no choice, he must continue his quest to make it work, no matter how many lives it destroys. Because to look at Animal Farm any other way, he would have to accept that there is a Truth in the universe that maintains order. There is a Love in our world that grants forgiveness, especially when forgiveness is not and cannot be earned.
The communist deduces this spirit in the heart of Boxer, and he hates him for it. And since he cannot destroy that Divine spirit, the communist has no choice but to exploit it. In the communist mind, because he can control the ones with God in their heart, he thinks it proves that God does not exist. The communist only understands power. And he uses the perception that because he can use earthly power to subjugate a person of faith, and God does nothing to stop it must mean that God either does not exist or if He does, He is entirely powerless. It must be a terrible feeling, when with every move a communist makes to strip God from the culture, he cannot escape that One descended from heaven, walked upon earth in the flesh and in the most horrific method imaginable, died for our sins – even the sins of a communist. Christ’s blanket forgiveness is something that even the most ardent communist cannot destroy. And because communist regimes need HENRYs to work and fund their states, they take the risk that the very individuals that provide their power will be the ones capable of taking it back in the name of God.
In the United States, the upcoming elections in November will be decided by the HENRYs. For the first time in history, the oppressors and the oppressed are on the same side of the political ticket and the HENRYs are growing in number on the other. The only question is, are the HENRYs awake enough to tip the scale away from the communist’s plan? Perhaps it is time for a Animal Farm sequel where the beasts take over a university economics department. Because the one thing that is for sure, no HENRY thought to create Modern Monetary Theory or Quantitative Easing. Those two destructive policies are just a progression of communist ideas necessary to keep the HENRYs in the game as working and taxing units, and nothing more. Another children’s story portraying the animal’s communist subversion of the university may help explain what is truly going on within our government to the next generation. Pity George Orwell did not live long enough to write the sequel himself.