I read Coleman Hughes' recent article, Why is TED Scared of Colorblindness? with interest but not surprise. In it, Mr. Hughes recounts the multiple hoops he jumped through to prepare, deliver and subsequently defend his talk on colorblindness vs. managed outcomes regarding race. For readers interested in the story in his words, the article link is here. Mr. Hughes' "let’s have and honest discussion about race" TED talk simply bumped up against one of many of the democrat party’s sacred cows. And like the existentially known facts that climate change is real, the war in Ukraine is good and Covid vaccinations saved lives, his TED talk on race strictly broke the rules. He applied reason and logic to a subject where only appeals to emotions are allowed. For that sin, his TED talk had to be throttled and Hughes himself had to be put on the witness stand to answer for his insolence.
Instead of listening to his talk unfiltered and judging it on its merits, Hughes, in his cross examination by the TED equity management team, was forced to answer self-incriminating questions like, "When did you stop being a racist." What truly had the TED people's backs up against the wall was their fear of violating their own DEI policies. For sure, some Ivy League graduate shamelessly drawing a mid-six-figure salary, is sitting in the DEI Risk Manager chair at TED. That individual flagged Hughes’ talk as a violation of their DEI policy. In our post-reason world, protecting ESG scores, which is why the DEI Risk Manager positions exist in the first place, is now too many organizations’ top priority.
I have struggled with accepting ESG (Environmental, Social, and corporate Governance) for some time now and have written about it no less than 23 times since I started my Substack channel two years ago. ESG is an insidious public / private plot to impose worldwide communism, not through the ballot box of democracies, but through coercion of businesses (the means of production) by the world's top financial institutions. ESG, spawned in the dark chambers of the jet setting elites at the World Economic Forum (WEF,) is the method of moving the entire globe into a Marxist hellscape by applying something they controlled more than elected officials, the flow of money through the world-wide banks.
Politicians, as it turns out, are much tougher to own than financial institutions. Don't get me wrong, there are many office holders that are completely bribable and have the moral flexibility of a stray dog in heat. But that condition also makes buying political favors unfruitful as greedy politicians will just as quickly dump ESG payoffs for another, higher paying, interest group. Forcing ESG standards upon the world was too slow and expensive via purchasing traditional political structures. That is why the WEF cooked up this banking scheme. They concluded, as they already controlled the flow of money through banks, the Federal Reserve and other worldly financial entities, they controlled the means of production, the means of income, and the means of taxation - quite frankly, WEF elites concluded that controlling the flow of capital controls the means of everything this side of Heaven.
But there still was a hitch. The WEF needed to make sure there was not a holdout state maintaining independent and unfettered (meaning open to merit based and sound economic principles lending) banking systems. Because capital always seeks the smoothest waters to sail and leaving an outlier free market economy on the world stage would have thwarted their ESG super caper. It is widely known that business capital naturally migrates towards free states and their free economies. No, for the WEF sinister control and redistribution of the world's means of production plan to work, they need 100% compliance from all world banks and all the world countries' economic systems. The challenge for the Klaus Schwab inspired Davos jet set acolytes was, how do they control the world-wide messaging for their world-wide communist plot?
From the WEF point of view, controlling all the world banks without forcing their communist world view on businesses and individuals via financial services is like owning a Ferrari and only driving it to church on Sunday. What's the point of owning something spectacular if one is unwilling to use it to its full potential. What all those years of WEF annual meetings in Davos produced was the solution to their world economic control conundrum. Namely, they came up with the answer to how to leverage their control of the banks into coercing individual companies to "voluntary" shift from supporting shareholder interests to promoting stakeholder interests? Cue the simple yet cunning DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) compliance protocols.
Companies are now in a mad race to update their websites with all sorts of fluffy language regarding their tremendous strides in achieving bold new diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives. Many of these claims are as dubious as that geeky kid in high school that claimed he had a smoking hot girlfriend, but she goes to a different school. For the companies complying with the WEF inspired DEI communist claptrap, it is akin to receiving a modern college (accreditation) degree. DEI initiatives are merely a overt means of punching a scorecard with various communist inspired tasks leading to a desirable ESG score. Like modern diplomas that do not signifying that its recipients know how to think, the DEI scores cannot assess the businesses' “heart” in sincerity of their purpose with regard to DEI. It does, however, provide excellent control over entities and ultimately succeeds in redistribution of financial assets towards a "one-world" view of global communism cooked up at the WEF.
Character, as the saying goes, is what one does when no one is looking. Regarding that, there are many organizations that have, and are doing wonderful, purposeful work. And they do it, not because the sinister folks at Davos command it, but because it is the right thing to do for a moral conscience and that doing good work leads to much broader success for both individuals and the companies they work with. The more a company openly promotes their DIE achievements for the sole purpose of improving their ESG score, the less trust I have in the sincerity of their purpose.
In fact, I see DEI touting companies as thoughtless, purposeless entities, merely whoring for a high ESG score at the expense of their workers, their customers and their shareholders. A company that would set DEI achievements as its highest goal, all in the misguided goal of promoting stakeholder value, would be the worse place to work for as an individual. Because in those companies, ideology will always supersedes individual thought and individual respect within that organization. Their is no such thing as collective salvation. When meeting our judger at the end of life, the fact that we worked for a company with a really high ESG score, will have absolutely no effect on our gaining eternal rest in the Heavens.
That is the pain Mr. Hughes experienced at TED. Though TED is specifically in the business of promoting ideas, their overarching DEI compliance goal required the throttling of his “colorblindness” discussion. In a sense, the devious WEF inspired DEI policies effectively redistributed Hughes’ ideas at TED. In that light, if communism is the equal distribution of wealth through controlling the means of production, then DEI is the equal distribution of ideas through controlling the means of dissemination. All who cherish freedom of purpose and freedom of thought should universally condemn DEI, ESG and the WEF that ushered these truly unholy communist ideals into existence.
DEI is merely a thought control mechanism and nothing more. If Roger Waters wrote The Wall in the 21st century, I imagine the lyrics would have looked something like this:
We don't need no DEI
We don’t need no thought control
No dark sarcasm in the boardroom
Leaders leave them thoughts alone
Hey! Leaders! Leave them thoughts alone!
All in all it's just another brick in the wall.
All in all you're just another brick in the wall.