This is one of those articles I loathe to write. It is the type of post where I feel compelled to defend somebody whom I don't much care for, and perhaps, does not even warrant my defense. However, when one is treated unjustly by a governing body, it is a greater affront to Justice then a guilty man being set free. Reluctantly, I am defending Donald J. Trump.
After receiving a second round of indictments filed in Miami this week, even the media folks that tilt right have come out to proclaim that President Trump allowed himself to be fodder for this federal indictment because he was “sloppy.” Had he just done what the feds requested and returned the documents, he could have avoided this nonsense. Since this chorus from behind the pulpit was so harmonious there is now no doubt that the fickle right has learned how to develop and distribute their own brand of daily talking points to various media and political elites.
From the media pundits from on high, we are told that it was Trump's own foolish disregard of known classified document rules that force a reluctant DOJ to act. Really? What part of the last seven years of constant media harassment, deep state overreach and republican party betrayal leads anyone to believe that Donald Trump would not have been indicted on something else? I'm already begging the question, because Donald Trump was already indicted in New York City for election fraud. Additionally, he has a pending indictment in Georgia for a similar violation. So, the anti-Trumpers really want the country to believe that Trump acting carelessly brought on this indictment and not an overzealous federal prosecutor?
Many of Trump’s opponents gloss over the blatant hypocrisy of him being charged for something that every president has done since Ronald Reagan while at the same time rendering completely harmless, Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton’s past and present violations of the same nature. Trump supporters say he doesn’t deserve this one-sided treatment. Perhaps, but the bottom line is, when anyone finds themselves in the crosshairs of any federal bureaucracy that has indictment power, well, to quote the quintessential vigilante justice hero William Munny, “deserves got nothing to do with it.” Unforgiving Movie Clip
This is just one more example of our county’s leadership effectively saying, “we must abandon Justice to pursue a “just” cause. For more on this current malady plaguing Western societies, see my recent post, Abandonment Syndrome.
We are living in a late-stage Republic. As such, the individuals holding the levers of power have become accustomed to certain and unfettered looting schemes. The Trump indictment merely is a reflexive action toward the one individual who dared upset this well-established grift. The state is simple protecting its entrenched fiefdom. Lavrentiy Beri, deputy premier of Joseph Stalin's Soviet Union was ruthlessly efficient in protecting his state from any who dared speak out against its hegemony. “Show me the man and I’ll show you the crime” was Beria’s infamous boast. (Read more at:
Whether Donald Trump is guilty of obstructing justice and espionage is not nearly as important to workout than what is truly going on in the alphabet agencies of these United States. Had Donald Trump not delivered the “low-hanging fruit” of the document scandal to the feet of federal prosecutors, they simply would have procured a ladder to climb further up the tree for what they sought.
Whether guilty or innocent, I would appreciate commentators and politicians on the right to have the intellectual integrity to speak the truth and, more importantly, not treat the rest of us as idiots.
Where there is not equal justice, there is no justice.
Americans should be far more concerned about this sad reality than the fate of one, Donald J. Trump. For if he is imprisoned for what his predecessors and the current White House occupier have blatantly violated, we will all become prisoners to that clandestine State. Even the citizens who gain favor with oppressive regimes are still captive to that ideology. Waiver just a bit from state approved doctrine, and one will see how quickly the hammer and sickle are deployed to quash the descent of a one-time believer.