Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) is creeping into the United States through our Northern border. While our government is shooting down large and nefarious spy balloons, hundreds of MAiD trial balloons are crossing the border from Canada and staying well below most media's radar. Canada has been allowing medical suicide for terminally ill patients since 2016 and most recently expended its killing policy to include individuals suffering from mental illnesses.
Now, MAiD mania is springing up about the United States. According to the Daily Mail Here “Campaigners across the US are this year pushing hard to expand access to medically-assisted dying. Dr. Peg Sandeen, the CEO of Death with Dignity, said it was working for 'an America where every patient has this right everywhere.'
(As a result of Death with Dignity’s efforts,) sympathetic lawmakers have introduced MAiD bills this session in Arizona, Connecticut, Indiana, Massachusetts, New York, Rhode Island, and Virginia. Others may come to Delaware, Maryland, Minnesota, and Nevada.”
We are a nation obsessed with death. No sooner than when the US Supreme Court found no basis for abortion in the US Constitution, did multiple states start codifying infanticide into their individual state laws. In the enlightened West, we see life as an encumbrance, something to be managed and contained. And, if a life becomes a burden, if a life does not fit a convenient plotline, if a life does not fit an important narration, it may be extinguished simply for lack of utility. Death, in this situation, is the glorification of purpose and a noble gesture of choice. To this end of a “purposeful” death, no expense is too great.
Twenty-seven states currently have the death penalty. In 2020, the average number of months a death row inmate waited for their execution was 227. At a cost of $5,800 per month, this puts the price tag for one person sentenced to death at $1,316,600. That is a lot of money spent on a single futile exercise of non-deterrence. But for a nation obsessed with death, it is but a mere tear drop in the vast occult ocean of new-age purposefulness. I believe Dante reserved the lowest circle of hell for those who presumed to know God’s intention, and could there be a greater assumption of God’s will than to snuff out a light of His creation?
On another death front, the United States preforms approximately 630,000 abortions per year at, according to Planned Parenthood’s website, cost of $580. That makes the abortion industry a 365-million-dollar industry. The beauty of America is that if we like something, like salty fast food or overpriced coffee drinks, we create massive industries to cater to our desires. With the advent of “Plan B” pharmaceuticals, can we really be that far away from developing a drive-thru business concept to dispense it? Perhaps, one could get it with a side of fries and chai oat milk latte, with one of shot self-importance and another shot of self-denial with our convenient “death in a bottle” abortion solution.
Where my previous two examples were of other people choosing who shall die and the means of execution, MAiD means to put the power to kill into the hands of the individual seeking their own death. MAiD policies, according to the likes of Dr. Sandeen, add dignity to an individual employing “Medical Assistance in Dying” methods verses an undignified 38 through the temple, a solidary noose in the closet or a timid overdose of sleeping pills and vodka.
Although the MAiD movement gives legal cover to the individual choosing to end their own life with “dignity” as well as the medical professionals participating in that endeavor, the resulting laws leave a more sinister result upon our society. MAiD gives cover to a society that simply cannot be bothered to care about it neighbors. MAiD slaps the label of “purposeful” to the death of an individual that chooses it verses the sigma of “desperate despair” from any other garden variety suicide. Because, even in the ever-secularized West, society feels it has an obligation to do something about deaths of desperate despair. But, if MAiD can wrap the death up in a nice little consumable package with a pretty little bow, we can call the suicide, “purposefully beautiful” and go merrily about our day with consciousnesses unburdened.
MAiD seems like a humane answer to putting a person “out of their misery.” Pain and suffering are difficult to watch, especially in a loved one sentenced to death be an all-knowing expert in a white lab coat with MD after their name. But I contend that MAiD policies are designed to ease the conscious of the living, not the terminally ill. It is no great stretch to see that someone who is in agonizing pain due to an illness may wish to put an end to their suffering by accepting eternal sleep verses acute awareness. For the terminally ill, MAiD simply sanitized the messy situation and attempts to turn their cowardice into nobility. Sadly, MAiD policies are not for those condemned to die, its true purpose is to ease the pain of a retched society that cannot be burdened with loving compassion in the wake of suffering.
An excellent example of this phenomenon occurred in my hometown of St. Paul in 2010. Out of a misplaced desire for compassion, “wet” houses were set up to “aid” chronic alcoholics into drinking themselves to death. Further information may be found by this link to the St. Paul Pioneer Press article titled At St. Paul 'wet house' liquor can be their life - and death. I saw this move for exactly what is was, a cowardly cloak wrapped about a death obsessed yet clear conscious seeking public. According to the wet house proponents, if you could get the drunk off the street (and out of sight) he could commit his alcohol infused suicide in a manner marked “compassionate.” The motivation behind this movement is that the alcoholic chap in the wet house could die the noble death in a private cement room verses an unsightly and public death on a concrete sidewalk. And best of all, society through compassion of erecting a wet house, is entirely absolved from any responsibility towards reformation of his lost soul.
For in the end, is that not what MAiD policies assume? Whether a death is by lethal injection, the severing pinch of a forceps on a tiny neck or a lonely and out of sight acute organ failure due to alcohol poisoning, that individuals who are scared, in pain or psychologically unsound, are not only capable of accessing the value of a life’s soul, they are uniquely and unambiguously qualified to order life’s termination.
A nation turning its lonely back on a loving God sees death as mercy and life as misery. Without Divine inspiration, man turns toward its earthly “deities” - the science, the celebrity and the self-anointed, for understanding and salvation. Those individuals, not daring to tread on Hallowed ground, channel peoples’ fear and doubt towards a far less forgiving and nefarious being. Worst of all, these earthly experts of compassion sanitize suicide by calling it “Medical Assistance in Dying” and sell it as honorable. MAiD legislation propping up in State Houses across this land is not fueled by compassion, it is arrogance hiding behind the fear of mortality.
Of all known phobias, the fear of mortality has been the most manipulated concept by those who seek control life. As descendants of those cast out on Edan, shame continues to drive us towards the serpent’s deceit instead of God’s loving embrace. We erect edifices of earthly self-pride while paying no reverence to the One who gives life. Love of life is Divine and one who loves life has no option but to protect it all costs. Whether that means protecting a life in the womb, a life on death row or a solitary life in addiction. For no human can foresee the value a life may bring to the world. And, as the eugenicists of last century are attempting to turn our current decade into their comeback season, Lucifer is desperately scrambling to enlarge his ninth circle to accommodate the treacherous inbound traffic.
As US citizens go shopping for their next politician to represent their wishes in government, be sure to check your product for the MAiD in America label. It should be listed on their platform website just next to the political expediency washing institutions. As always when buying a political candidate, caveat emptor.
Excellent piece this week Bruce.
Thanks Bruce. Excellent and thought provoking, as we have come to expect from you.