The United States Constitution was specifically designed so that dictatorships were difficult to establish. Our founders were far more well read on the histories of governments and human interaction thereof than our modern leaders. Thus, they understood that power corrupts even the best-intentioned souls. That's why the checks and balances of the Executive branch, the Legislative branch and the Judicial branch were inculcated into our Constitution. This intentional design was to ensure that human leaders seduced into using their power "for good" could be held at bay. For nobody argues that absolute power in the hands of evil is desirable. But the founders also knew that absolute power in the hands of people wishing to do good was equally destructive. Nowhere in modern history has this notion been proven more correct than in how the United States and the world handled the Covid-19 pandemic.
There are so many facets of destruction caused by our leaders’ decision making in wake of the Covid-19 that it is near impossible to list them all. From the disruption of businesses and education to the forced loneliness of family connections and isolation from religious communities, these devastations in human interactions will play out throughout this generation for years to come. And, all this havoc was done by leaders in the name and spirit of benevolence.
In order to get a picture of just how detrimental leaders acting “for good” stacked up, let us recount how the Covid-19 crisis powers played out among these United States over just a five month period from March to July of 2020.
From the United States Governor’s Association's own website (,) here are some statistics on the number of Governor edicts issued that altered our business, religious educational and social lives:
• 6223 Governor issued edicts
• 113 edicts average per State
• Most dictatorial award goes to Connecticut at 412 (average 2.75 edicts per day)
• Least dictatorial governor was of Nevada with only 24 emergency orders from on high
Here is a summary of my findings:
So, lets review the numbers, in just this five-month period, the governors of 55 States and Territories issued 6223 unlegislated Edicts under emergency powers. Now, add to that, more than 1600 mayors adding to the list of edicts on a local level. Next, add to the list of benevolent dictators making Covid edicts, the nearly half a million registered corporations, whose CEOs, most suffering from Fauci-itis, the syndrome known as ebrius est in virtute languorem, that also made emergency operation decisions from closing facilities and factories to work from home policies.
In the United States alone, during that five-month period, certainly more that a million individual decisions by our leaders were made that effected every aspect of life from commerce and education to even how we (dis)honored our dead. Finally add to the millions of Covid related edicts in the United States, those of the other 194 countries on Earth, their governors, mayors and company CEOs and we did have a world-wide pandemic, not of the millions Covid-19 related deaths, but of millions of Drako-inspired edicts, issued in the spirit of “doing good.”
We elect leaders to judge the unknown and make good decisions on our behalf. The same goes with hiring CEOs, pastors, and principals. Collectively, there has been no other time in history when so many leaders made so many bad decisions in the name of goodness that negatively effected everyone on the planet. Thus, our country’s response to Covid is living proof that 50 independent governors’ making Covid decrees in the name of benevolence can and did locate the Invisible hand of our nation's economy and slap cuff on the organic, some would say Divine, system that monitors the health, wealth and freedoms of nearly every soul on planet Earth.
We must return to the Constitutional designs so wisely and put forth by our founders to limit the powers of individual leaders because of the very fact that even good people cannot be trusted with absolute power. The calamity that is our Covid related responses will live on for many more years precisely because of the poor decision-making of good people. And the problem is not so much that they made poor decisions, but it's where the evils of absolute power step in to protect those bad decisions. If we could get federal leaders, health experts and governors to honestly admit that the discretionary use of their emergency powers actually caused harm, our nation could recover from this “saddling of the four horsemen” much quicker, but human nature, ego and political expediency will never allow that admission. So, we are stuck in an endless cycle of educated people knowing that the Covid responses were indeed destructive yet contorting themselves by using obscure language about protecting lives, democracy or whatever redefined word of the day absolves their troubled conscience.
The world had an incredibly dynamic economic system, with the only flaw being that powerful and influential people could hire elected officials to enact favorable protection schemes under the guise of "doing good." To restore the Divinely established interconnected economy all the bad decision makers must be removed. Board of Directors must fire CEOs, congregations must fire their pastors, School Board officials must be ousted and Governors must be voted out of office. Leaders need to see that bad decision making is not rewarded. We do not put these people in power for the preservation of their eternal soul, they are endowed with power to protect the system that allows our souls the opportunity of ascension.
“havoc was done by leaders in the name and spirit of benevolence.” This is another very good piece and succinct read, however I feel that you are being very generous in attributing good motives to “good” leaders when in fact their behaviour and willingness - not to say - eagerness to tow the line of authoritarian policy marked them out as the inverse of that. Good leaders are not afraid to take a stand, even if their opinion runs counter to popular narrative; good leaders actions are rooted in principle, good leaders are not hysterical and good leaders seek counsel across all disciplines and perspectives. So whilst I wholeheartedly support your premise, I am past giving most of those layers of the power structure any benefit of the doubt.