Party Elites May Soon find Themselves Playing the Role of Captain Renault
They are shocked, shocked to find that corruption is going on here
It is a classic scene in the 1942 movie, Casablanca. Major Strasser, attempting to get control of the "vive la France" crowd at Ricks, orders Captain Renault to close Rick's saloon. (Watch clip here) Until the appearance of Victor Laszlo and Ilsa Lund in Casablanca, Rick and Captain Renault danced a delicate tango of both perpetuating and tolerating noble corruption in a notoriously corrupt town. All was "normal" in Casablanca until Major Strasser came to town and forced the residents to choose sides of the war raging in Europe. All societies, even corrupt ones, desire equilibrium. After all, once one understands the rules of the scoundrelly game, they can learn to operate within that paradigm. But corrupt systems eventually succumb to tyrants who take power, rewrite the rules to favor themselves and ultimately upset the status quo apple cart. And with this, rebellion always follows. Sic semper tyrannis.
Party elites now find themselves in a sticky wicket situation. The Washington grift machine has been making millionaires out of remarkably average politicians for decades now. On top of that, the spoils of the DC grift game spilled generously into the swampy alphabet agencies that employs thousands more incredibly average individuals - workers so unamazing that vast swaths of them could not survive the hours and working conditions of their private sector counterparts. The corruption, thanks to a complicit media machine that is far more interested in navel gazing the rock turning, continued unbothered as that "forth branch" of government ignored all signs of corruption until 2016. The unexpected arrival of a New York real estate mogul, who set up shop at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, broke the DC system and, in true real estate mavin fashion, began living "rent free" in the heads of all those DC denizens, and media elites, ever since.
The reemergence of a strong Trump presidential candidate after surviving two impeachment attempts, 94 felony charge attempts and an assassin's bullet attempt, threatens the DC status quo just like the arrival of Laszlo, who escaped a Nazi concentration camp, did in Casablanca. Nothing scares corrupt regimes more than an escaped political prisoner with a bull horn and an enthusiastic crowd of followers. Strong leaders conducting the chorus of liberty awakens that spirit and rattles the shackles of despair necessary to maintain a corrupt status quo.
The Washington grift-makers are in a pickle. With the "noble and uncoerced" step-down of the 81-year-old president in dotage with only three months to the November elections, democrats have an up-hill battle spit-polishing the nation's most unpopular vice president since polling on the subject began. In the likely outcome that the Washington machine cannot drag Harris across the finish line in November and Trump reemerges as our 47th president, the hue and cry, as well as a mandate, to clean up the corruption in our nation’s capital will be real. The grifters will need a scape goat. And, who better to pin the inside the beltway sins on than an old, dementia-ridden octogenarian, not long for this world, nor fit to stand trial ex-president? This is not me proclaiming Pres. Biden's doddering condition, it is Special Prosecutor Robert Hur's assessment of his condition (See article on the subject here.)
Should Trump appear to be winning the upcoming presidential race, uniparty leadership will spring to action. They will blow their rusty police whistle on Biden, Inc. They will take to the airways via journos, who suddenly found curiosity about international pay to play schemes, and shout that they are "shocked, shocked to find out that corruption is going on around here." And they will issue an APB to round up all the usual suspects. Who knows, maybe old Bob Menendez will be resurrected one more time with a bevy of new charges to show that party leadership is serious about rooting out corruption this time. There is always the ghost of Epstein to pin the DC malfeasance on as well.
Think about how hard the Washington establishment fought to maintain their power. They almost took out a front-runner presidential candidate with an assassin's bullet. Oh sure, we do not have a motive and the assassination attempt is an "on-going investigation." But I am as sure that the nation will never know the truth about that incredible lack of security as I am that the sun will come up tomorrow. Think about how much the DC elites wanted Trump gone. They were in a Joan of Arc type situation with the Trump assassination attempt. In 1431 amid the One Hundred Years War, the British feared less a martyred messenger of Christ than a living crusader of liberation. The same calculation must have taken place with whoever co-conspired to take Trump out on July 13th.
But a system that would even make that calculation leaves us in a very scary situation. If the corrupt regime is willing to martyr the world's most well-known personality as well as an ex-president, what are they willing to do to get an incredibly unlikable Vice President Harris elected to keep the DC grift machine in tip-top performance mode?
We are not in new and uncharted times; we are in old times. We are in late-stage Republic times. And, just like the poetic justice statement of old, "thus always to Tyrants" transcends all corrupt individuals, "thus always to republics" transcends all republics. It is not the fault of DC elites that our Republic is crumbling, it is the fault of non-sentient citizens all too happy to be led about the political arena by their propagandized sensing nose ring. As an active observer of these political times, my pendulum swings from head shaking apathy towards those individuals inexplicably encased within the state's political narrative to full-blown soap box oration on obvious and Biblically prophesied outcomes of ignoring state sanctioned corruption. In today’s post, the hammer has swung completely toward the latter. If the United States is going to emerge out of this swampy morass intact, it will not come from following an elected “savior;” it will come from the words and actions of “We the people” reviving our covenant with the God, who blessed this land of freedom, and wants nothing more than to see it restored in His name.