In the movie, The Patriot, Benjamin Martin captured Lord Cornwallis's memoirs along with other personal affects. Upon reading about his military victories, Martin concludes that Cornwallis's weakness was his pride. Click here to view the movie clip. Nations can succumb to the sin of pride as well.
With the entire world on the verge of World War III, the United States is embroiled in multiple conflicts across the globe. There is the Russian - Ukraine war that is about to go into its third year. The recent attack on Israel by Hamas sparked another conflict in the Middle East. China, in its hundred-year strategy towards world domination, edges closer towards reclaiming Taiwan. The US dollar, long been the world currency of trade, is seeing competition from BRICS - an alternate competing currency. Finally, waiting in the wings and silently watching of all these forces further weaken the United States, is the World Economic Forum (WEF.) This band of smoke-filled room globalists are working diligently behind the scenes to build their version of a one-world government to replace a decaying and decadent United States. For all these conflicts and sinister plots to work, the United States must be knocked out of its number one spot. That is, the globe’s largest military superpower, along with the world's largest economy, must be knocked down at least a peg or two.
Each of these adversaries of the United States is using a different historical weapon to weaken the United States. And like the giant empires of old who eventually crumbled from these "long ball" tactics, so too will the United States eventually fall under these pressures.
It is pure arrogance to believe that there is just one strategy our enemies are using to bring down the United States. It was not simply Christianity that led to the fall of Rome. Scholars have defined and continued to redefine hundreds of reasons why Rome fell. Edward Gibbon dedicated no less than six volumes to the subject in History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, published 1776-88. I believe it was no mere accident that the United States’ Constitution and subsequent Bill of Rights were adopted in 1791. Our founders, freshly aware of the reasons that caused Rome’s demise, structured a new government that attempted eliminate a repeat of the Roman decline due to excessive military conquest, over taxation, political decadence and prideful adherence to glory of their 200 year Pax Romana. Despite our founders intentionally worded documents to guide future generations in avoiding the prideful pitfalls that caused Rome's ultimate demise, the nature of man in positions of power proves difficult to control without deliberate and sustained actions of humility towards those uniting documents.
As no one "smoking gun" brought down the Roman Empire, neither will one affront to my nation's pride bring down the United States of America. Let us break down what is truly occurring in the world right now. To some observers of America's follies, these attacks on the US appear as poetic justice. To others, who understands history and context, what is unfolding regarding my nation’s prideful operation is a Faustian nightmare.
I will start with the Russian-Ukraine conflict. To date, the United States has funded the Ukrainian war effort to the tune of 75 billion dollars. Ukraine lapel pin wearing members of Congress, from both parties, cannot get themselves enough pride in supporting the futile efforts of the Ukrainian resistance. One must remember that the method that Ronald Reagan used to topple the former USSR was not military conquest. Quite the opposite, the Cold War came to an end without a single shot fired. Ronald Reagan simply instituted a military spending spree that the USSR could not match. The former Russian Communist Party ultimately crumbled under the weight of attempting to keep up with the US in military spending.
Vladimir Putin is aware of how the US defeated his former Communist Party. The poetic justice in his war with Ukraine is not just to gain more territory for Mother Russia but to drain, and thus, weaken his greatest adversary, the United States of America. And the prideful idiots in Congress are genuflecting themselves in humanitarian pride while so easily falling into Putin's “right back at you” trap.
China currently is orchestrating a two-front war against the United States. Still remembering the Opium Wars brought on by Great Britain in the 19th century, China is coolly aware of how supplying a dying, corrupt, fractured, and decrypted dynastic society with drugs can kill a once great country. China is flooding the US with Fentanyl (a synthetic opioid drug) through our porous Southern border and the effects on our historically blind society in terms of creating millions of fractured souls is incalculable. But at the same time, US is the biggest consumer of Chinese goods and China requires access to our economy to keep those dollars flowing. Thus, the second play the communist Chinese government is running against the United States is right out of the Hun's playbook itself. In 443 AD, emperor Theodosius II agreed to pay Atilla the Hun an annual tribute of 2100 pounds of gold in a treaty that kept the marauders Northwest of the Hellespont. The Chinese, like the Huns of old have determined, it is much better to keep the massive gold producing empire alive and paying tribute, then to outright defeat it, thus forever "killing the golden goose." Atilla did slap Rome around every now and then just to remind them who was really in charge, but he let them keep their precious Eastern capital intact as long as the gold flowed to the Hunnic occupiers. Knowing that the US is in no condition to fight the Chinese without inflicting great casualties and loss of treasury, China is dictating its one-sided terms of commerce with the US knowing that we are too weak kneed to counteract their economic advances. This is where being historically stupid becomes a liability. The gold for peace treaty between the Hun and the Eastern Roman Empire lasted only five years and served only to strengthen Atilla's forces while at the same time weaken Theodosius's.
Another similarity that the US has with ancient Rome is our inability, or unwillingness, to control our borders. Individuals pouring into the Roman empire seeking the advantages of their economic hegemony, further weakened that empire. First the Romans attempted to control the tribal invaders from the Northern territories with force. When that proved unsuccessful, emperor Caracalla in 212 A.D. offered all free peoples of Rome citizenship. As the soldier first, Caracalla, was preparing for was against the Persians, he believed he could buy off the troublesome "just looking for a better life and willing to do the jobs the most Roman wouldn't" border jumpers with citizenship. Of course, this play by Caracalla did not work and only served to weaken the value of Roman citizenry and anger an already overtaxed populous. The United States has allowed the same scenario to play out passively by ignoring millions of migrates waltzing through our Southern border and actively through unvetted immigration policies that grant citizenship to individuals that have no connection to the values that formed our once great nation.
Now, with a new conflict brewing in the Middle East between Israel and Hamas, the US is sending our Navy and military "advisors" into that region. This will place further stain on our already overtaxed citizenry. Our current leaderless congress is chomping at the bit to get a weak republican speaker elected so that they can start approving billions upon billions more dollars for Israeli, as well as the Ukrainian war efforts. Add to those burdensome billions, our Federal Reserve’s myopic understanding of national debt to GDP ratios and its impact on the value of our dollar, and we have looming economic crash of epic proportions coming our way.
While the Normy-Norms are watching Netflix and chilling, godless bureaucrats are ignoring all off-ramps on my nation's race towards hell. The folks at the World Economic Forum are feasting on the prospect that the United States impending collapse that will finally allow them to complete their "great reset," thus ushering in a long-awaited for "one world government." It is not prudence and thoughtful planning that has brought the United States to this historically yet predictable place, it is pride. And as Benjamin Martin said in my opening clip, pride is a weakness. Fortunately for the United States' adversaries, we are offering our enemies loads of stupidity as well.
A nation that is divided on what our core uniting values are cannot stand. One side of our political system seems entirely blind to that fact while the other side is cunningly aware of it and is exploiting our prideful weakness. Accident will not destroy the United States, but purposeful deceit will. As we witness the unfolding of the dominant world force known as the United States, know that the impending fall is well orchestrated, not just from foreign enemies from without, but from kleptocrats and communist from within. It is the willful stupidity of the American people, not their elected officials, that allowed this to happen. History will record that the time it took from a determined and resolute United States that toppled the USSR in 1991 to allowing itself to succumb to the very tactics it used to achieve that notorious feat, was approximately 25 years.
I saw the seeds of this demise at university back in the 1980s. Growing communist indoctrination and politically correct leadership had taken over my college administration. My generation mostly ignored the PC nonsense and treated it as a passing fad, one that would quickly dissipate once the warm embrace of the University life ended, and the harsh reality of life began. But it didn't, and I will spend ink another time explaining how my generation failed to recognize and stop they academic invasion. But for the study of our willful and intentional demise, future historians will discuss how a people with agency let the United States fall. The difference between the collapses of Rome and the United States is agency. Citizens under an emperor's rule had no agency. Nor did citizens under many other once great empires. But citizens of the US did. With Constitutional protections, they had the right to free speech, the right to practice their own religion, the right to toss inept leaders from office every two, four or six years. They controlled their local schools; they were free to allow merit to propel them to new successes and they were free to fail. The citizens of the United States had a written document that supported all these freedoms and God-granted rights. Yet, the people failed. United States citizens took their own freedom and flushed it down the toilet and did not even trade their betrayal for 30 pieces of silver. Instead, they allowed themselves to become indebted to concocted narratives that made them feel good in their captivity instead of feeling secure in their freedom.
God is not passive in this endeavor; He is also not one to grant His people unasked for graces. Despite all these wicked worldly external and internal forces out to destroy the United States, revival is still possible. However, saving our republic is not in electing a savior to high office nor in posting clever memes on social media. Saving the United States begins with her people reclaiming the essence of her founding documents and renewing a covenant with the God that inspired our founders to chart a new course in 1791.
For if we do not take these necessary steps to renewal, we are giving our adversaries precisely what they need to finish off the United States, we are showing them our weakness in both pride and stupidity...
Ushering in Christ’s Kingdom is the greater goal — I know you know that Bruce. If it comes at the cost of a well-deserved moral spanking to humble our prideful citizenry …so be it. Proverbs 16:19
I love our country …but I love truth and freedom orders of magnitude more. I pray true revival staves off a complete collapse. But alas, history tells us how this likely ends.