Lord Nefarious‘ tactics are as tried-and-true as the rising sun and have been in effect since that glorious fourth day of creation. He captures his subjects through coercion by holding that which is most dear to them hostage. Throughout most of civilization, what people held most dear was life. Ergo the Dark Lord controlled the masses by means of holding their lives in his very hands. To this end, countless lords, kings, and emperors assisted in creating daily life and death scenarios for its subjects. Crucifixion was preformed to control the living for the fate of the condemned was a forgone conclusion. Throughout Christendom, the faithful held God as that is which is most dear. And governments worked diligently to use that love of God as a way of controlling her citizens as well.
We are now in the 21st century - postmodern era and God is set firmly in the rearview mirror. What people hold most dear is money. The incredibly adaptive Lord Nefarious is now working his tentacles into every aspect of our financial lives, controlling the citizenry with their own love of money. Governments use taxation, not as a means of revenue generation to support the state, but as a mass social experiment to get citizens to perform in certain state approved manners. In the United States, the IRS exists as the henchmen to his diabolical plot.
Employers get into the control game as well through the compensation and benefits packages designed, not to reward employees based on merit and contribution to the business’ success, but to mold employees into compliant worker bees by compensating just enough to keep them from quitting to work for a competitor or putting their fate in the hands of a government welfare system.
Finally, Lord Nefarious uses the love of money, more importantly, the fear of losing money, to control his captured souls while they travel on the Seven Circles Cruise Line. On his well-appointed ship, bankers, investment houses and hedge fund managers serve as his majesty’s porters – ever strategizing how to grow and protect money. For the entertainment, CPAs and IRS agents play a game of cat and mouse, the former advising on monetary parking strategies based on a nearly incomprehensible set of tax guidelines while the later seeks to punish individuals’ failures bases on their “divine” understanding of the same tax code. For his pièce de resistance on this inferno-bound boat, our Lord Darkness gives us his hand-picked captain, Larry Fink. Fink is at the helm of this iniquitous ship, and he entices business leaders into POSH California state rooms by offering complementary ESG indulgences. Strong-arm may be the better term lest business leaders fail to book their passage, and BlackRock financially doxes them as anti-woke pariahs.
Of course, this struggle over the meaning and purpose of money is precisely what the communists, socialists and government agents want to consume our time. With money being the most important thing in post-modernism, manipulation by leaders has becomes mere child’s play. Every organization is now caught up in this nefarious plot. Instead of using money as means of liberation from tyranny, individuals and institutions are bound by the weight of its very existence. Corporations use sophisticated algorithms consisting of 1’s and 0’s to carve out precious percentages. Churches gave up saving souls in favor of managing endowments, music programing and coffee hour frivolities. Universities abandoned the love of learning in favor of an employment protection racket known as tenure, whereby professors do not lead students on the path of enlightenment but instead impose Lord Nefarious’ fear programming upon them. The professor teaches that money is the root of all evil all the while the alumni board chases endowment contributions. We have an entire society so utterly confused about what money is that evil does not need to break a sweat to deceive our leaders in participating in the monitory controlling schemes.
Work in a capitalistic society serves the state, our neighbor, and ourselves and the byproduct of that service is money. Money is not the be all end all of existence but merely the marker of one’s success at providing goods and services that benefit all of society. Love of God means respect for work, your own and your neighbors’. Income earned through that noble work is also respected. Strong societies understand this symbiotic relationship between work and money and endeavor to promote it. Weak governments manipulate and redistribute money as a means of exploiting monetary ignorance.
We all know individuals who place money at the pinnacle of their reason to live. These are the individuals whose house, car, clothing, and outwardly profane appearances matter most. Those who love money are easy to spot as they often fall prey to one of the deadliest of the seven sins, that being envy. Coveting thy neighbor’s stuff was such a biggie, that God etched it as one of the "Thou shalt not's.” Envy is the low hanging fruit from Lucifer's coercion tree and at last check, his soul-sucking army appears to be well situated within the United States' several alphabet agencies to continue his conquest. In fact, the IRS is currently on a mission to purchase an additional 87,000 of Satan's followers to continue the fear and envy money coercion game.
So, as the West cannon balls itself into the economic abyss at the hands of godless managers wielding Modern Monetary Theory, know that we are fulfilling a prophecy. Not the prophecy of a shining city on a hill blessed to show the world what freedom and self-governance looks like, but as a redo of so many failed states that have come before us. States that jettisoned the good for political expediency and States filled with citizens too easily bought off with bread and circus to care about their own demise. We are living it up on borrowed opulence and making sure we consume every last drop. We are in the Tiffany-twisted imagination of the Glenn Frey, and are all just prisoners here, rejecting Divine advice. “And in the master's chambers we gathered for the feast. we stab it with our steely knives, but we just can't kill the beast!”
Coercion holds hostage that which you hold most dear. But let us be clear, letting oneself be held hostage by love is nothing but fear. Think about it, Lucifer threatens to harm the thing you love. You, out of fear of losing that love, acquiesce to his demands. Ergo he commands your soul. What happens when your say “no” and walk away? Lucifer may still take that object of love, but the action is entirely his. There is no sport in him merely exercising a power greater than yours nor does he want the thing. It is only fun when he can get you bend your will towards him. And for the Load Nefarious, there is not greater prize than to get his victim to abandon God because making you voluntarily give up that which he could never take away or process is the greatest trophy of all. “Relax,” says the dark man, “we are programmed to receive. You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave.” The reality is the door of Hotel California were always open and the passageway back to the place we were before was not the abandonment of hope, but the abandonment of all fear.