Marxists have long changed their seditious plans regarding the United States. For Europe, centuries of class systems made pitting the proletariats against the bourgeoisie the low hanging fruit for fomenting revolution. But, in the US, the middle class with a sincere upward mobility potential, threw a monkey wrench into the class warfare socialist trope. America's nouveau Marxist recognized this undeniable reality and shifted their strategy to pitting disparate groups against one another instead of engaging in typical class warfare. Hence, teaching Critical Race Theory (CRT) is instrumental to the continued dividing of our nation into "haves" and the reason why (insert aggrieved group) "has not." However, for the Marxist, this recipe of destroying the US cultural fabric was still missing a key ingredient.
The Marxists ingredient required to complete the “Conquer United States” revolutionary soup is the denigration and ultimate elimination of risk. You see, more than the existence of an upwardly mobile middle class, the greatest obstacle to the coming Marxists revolution, is American's historic willingness to take risks! Think about it, our country's very existence is founded on individuals that risked everything to be free. Yes, some calculated a potential individual reward for their individual risk. But our country grew out a propensity to ignore the "safe money" bet and go all-in on risky ventures.
The safe money stayed in Amsterdam instead of boarding the Mayflower. The safe money sided with Great Britain instead of the rag-tag revolutionaries under George Washington. The safe money backed the status quo instead of siding with the Emancipation Proclamation and subsequent Civil War. Safe money stayed neutral in the build-up of fascism before WWII and the safe money did not want to upset the apple cart of Jim Crow! American was not founded on safe money, she was forged by the risk takers. And risk takers, by their very definition, cannot not be Marxists!
Marxists don't believe in risk. They would say it is folly! “Why take a risk,” say the Marxists, “when the deck is so unfairly stacked against you?” Marxists must level the playing field, not through individual rights and equality but through state forced edicts (equity.) Enter the denigration of whiteness! Enter 21st century persecution of Judeo-Christian morality! Enter the proclamation that "show up on time" protestant work ethic is racist!
Risk is just another term for hope, and hope is bad for Marxist revolutionaries. The Marxist view says that risk (hope) is feudal and therefore benevolence must be guaranteed and meted out by the State. After all, who could forget Red's advice to Andy Dufresne in Shawshank prison, "Let me tell you something my friend. Hope is a dangerous thing. Hope can drive a man insane." When a person is not in charge of their freedom, hope is indeed a perilous thing, one only taken by someone willing to risk everything to be free.
The United States fabric is sewn with countless individuals that risked everything for our freedoms. The signers of the Declaration of Independence risked their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honors! Military men and women from 1776 to the present have laid everything on the line for our country with multitudes making the ultimate sacrifice. Neil Armstrong, and his fellow astronauts, risked everything to touch the moon and return home alive and Martin Luther King risk it all to touch our hearts and minds and tragically suffered a different fate! Risk may have its rewards, but it also has its sacrifices.
When individuals freely take risks, under the sincere hope that tomorrow can be better, they shatter the Marxist notion that only a command-and-control State can affect better outcomes than individual efforts. Enter the pandemic of 2020 and its significance to Marxist revolutionary desires. Heretofore, the American spirit was a risk-taking spirit and collectively, our country and people have prospered because of that actuality. For those that recognize the significance of that fact, the Covid pandemic responses across our fruited planes was a 180-degree deviation from our 240-year risk-taking psyche. The CDC and Dr. Fauci kicked off the year with dire warnings of mass casualties by this unknown monster. Governors, in an almost lock-step fashion, shut down their States, schools and economies out of fear from the Fauci-ite's dire predictions. With a few outstanding holdouts to the sky is falling mentality (Governors Nome and De Santas) these State leaders abandoned risks for the safe money position. CEOs and board members cheerfully followed the safe money bet by shuttering their offices and businesses fearing the risks while collecting piles of government stimulus (hush) money for their compliance!
The greatest tragedy of the pandemic was the response of our medical community. The bold and proud American medical professionals that once led the world in innovations, hid behind Fauci's apron strings. If there ever was a time in our collective history for an industry to take risks to save lives and dispel myths, it was the year 2020. Yet, the entire US medical industry circled their wagons around the Faucian super-hydra virus rantings! The medical community, seeming responded with one voice, that there was no cure for Covid, no treatments for those that contacted Covid and no hope for anyone until a vaccine could be developed to save the day. There were doctors that disagreed with these "collective" medical industry voices, but in an unprecedented move to silence dissenting views, corporate and social media behemoths banned those opinions. The medical risk takers voices were silenced for the sake of safe money assurances from Faucian sycophants who were growing rich at the government Covid response trough.
Americans need to know that if we as a Nation abandon our risk taking path, the path that led to the greatest prosperity for the greatest number of people, in favor for the safe money "government knows all" compliance we will succumb to the forces of Marxism. Right now, the safe money is with "Wokism, Inc." - the neo companies, educational institutions, religious organizations, and most of all, spineless government entities that are embracing all things woke. I especially feel sorry for recent college graduates. It wasn't long ago that thinking students could find sanity in the "real" world once they escaped the shackles of educational political correctness. But the PC culture broke free of its ivy-covered confinements and now runs amok in all of our businesses and institutions. The sixties and seventies radicals that "spoke truth to power" are now in power, and they don't take kindly to truthful descent! For these vaulted elites, silencing their ideological adversaries is not enough, those in power embrace the cancel culture tactics of deplatforming, banning and stomping on economic independence.
It will take many brave risk takers to stem the impending tide of Marxism. But the safe money clans must know that their desires to play it safe is seen as a weakness by the enemies of freedom. The enemy will simply take “Theodosius’ gold” and use it to build a war chest to defeat the US. Safe money only funds our country's demise! Maybe the best advice for defeating the radicals wrapped in woke sheep's clothing, is to take a cue from another sixties icon, John F. Kennedy, who said,
"Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly."
When it comes the Marxism, we are beyond small talk and intellectual discussions. To defeat Marxism, we need risk takers to act! For too long, we Americans believed we did not have to worry, that we kept the Marxist enemy at the gate. Now, the enemies of freedom are all around us. They occupy the two towers of academia and industry; they fill our hallowed halls of congress, and they preach Marxism from our pulpits. They do not don the uniforms of Marxists past; they have adopted a less radical pose to hide their radical prose. The infiltrated Marxist is not an outlier on the street with a bullhorn but an elitist with a Twitter account! But to be sure, risk-taking is not the neo-Marxist's modus operandi as today's Marxist sits comfortably behind a keyboard fomenting the coming revolution, knowing full well that their job, livelihood, and social standing are not in jeopardy as the institutional powers of industry, education, religion and government fully back the coming insurrection.
To buck this tide of institutional Marxist elites is risky. Let us hope that God finds our nation and people worthy of a second chance at freedom and watches over our brave risk takers. 240 years ago, God supported a band of revolutionaries who threw off the yoke of tyranny across the Atlantic Ocean. Now we need Devine protection to end the developing tyranny across the Potomac! It will take risk takers to end our nation's downward Marxists spiral, but unlike 1776, we have a document, although tattered and neglected, that protects our mission. Hopefully, we have enough judges left that can interpret that document's wisdom. Finally, I hope there are enough memories of patriots past to motivate today's risk takers into forgoing the safe money and going all in on freedom. Their children and grandchildren will carry forth the mantle of freedom and the memory of our today's patriots if properly educated. The United States can defy the trends of great nations past and continue in greatness, or she can simply stay safe and fall like all others before her. The power is ours to exercise, for when it comes right down to it, no one has seriously ever been for Marxism, Marxist manipulators simply step into the moral void created whenever a peoples decide they are against themselves!
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