In the United States, we have reached income tax hell day. This year it fell on April 18. In this annual ritual, US subjects pay homage to our progressive overlords by scrambling through a year’s worth of receipts, expenses, income, and deductions in an utterly futile exercise to fashion that information onto a 100-page annual tax filing document. We do this to fulfill our citizenship obligation laid out in an incomprehensible 2000-page US tax code. My address today discusses the true motivation of our taxing authorities. Here is a hint, it has nothing to do with raising revenue. That is merely a byproduct of the world’s most beautifully complicated set of operating instructions known as the US tax code.
This time of the year brings thousands of tax related articles to the forefront as the income tax topic is front and center in the minds of many commentators. Curiously, of the countless articles I read this dreaded time of the year, I have never read one touting the brilliance of our tax code. No one ever writes about how the US tax code is a masterful construction that fairly generates necessary revenue for the state. I have yet to witness anyone write about the great authors of antiquity who said that if we can just design a tax code like the one we have now, all would be right in the universe. Oh sure, there is always Keynesian economists, but even those crazy acolytes don’t show this time of the year touting the brilliance of the US tax code. This article will discuss how the progressive income tax enslaves everyone, from Elon Musk on the top from all away down to those who occupy the bottom rungs of our society and how that enslavement stems from moral failing.
First, let’s review the math. In 2022, the US economy generated a GDP of 20.89 trillion dollars. Mandatory spending in 2022 was 4.1 trillion dollars. At the federal level, the US Government obligation was 19.6% of GDP. Simple math tells us that if our nation needs to raise 4.1 trillion to run our country, we should tax GDP at 20%. (I have neither the time, nor space to write about the wisdom of my country’s expenditures.) Thus, a taxing structure that carved roughly 20% off GDP activities would fully fund my nation’s needs.
This concept, by the way, is the notion behind “flat tax” proponents. Those silly people still believe that the tax code’s purpose is to fund our country’s needs. They propose that a flat tax code could be mere pages of instructions and US citizens could file their returns on a post card. Flat taxers need to wake up to the reality of our tax code’s true purpose.
The US tax code is specifically designed as a power document by inserting a number of carve outs to political allies and even more punishments aimed towards political enemies. Quite simply, the US tax code exists as the world’s greatest behavioral manipulation experiment. But this experiment is not monitored by altruistic philosopher kings truly channeling God’s will for society. The US tax code was created with an entirely other master in mind.
I am not saying that the US tax code was fashioned by Lucifer himself. Even the one cast out of heaven would not have put this much effort unto torturing God’s creation. Nor was the US tax code forged in the fires of Mordor. It is not:
One code to rule them all
One code to find them
One code to bring them all and in the darkness bind them
Our tax code was fashioned by something far more sinister than those two, our tax code was designed by duly elected legislators. That’s right, US citizens voted for our tax code, first when we ratified the Sixteenth Amendment in 1913. Furthermore, we vote for this tax code every two years when we elect (mostly re-elect) our representatives. We continue to vote for this tax code because we no longer live by the Covenant presented to Moses in the form of Ten Commandments. More specifically, we collectively vote for our tax code because we disregard God’s Tenth Commandment. Here the rub, if our electorate can ignore “thou shalt not covet,” they can quite easily ignore the remaining nine Divine directives.
The Ten Commandments were not carved in stone in order of importance as all are equally important in the eyes of our Creator. The Ten Commandments were issued in degree of difficulty to understand. “Thou shalt not have any gods before me,” is straightforward. The First Commandment has no ambiguity, no gray area. As one rattles through the next nine, the Commandments get more cerebral in their interpretation. The Tenth Commandment, “thou shalt not covet,” is the most elusive of them all. Hence, The Tenth is the playground of lawyers, liars, and legislators and the main motivator behind our tax code.
It is the Tenth Commandment, or rather the ignoring of that Law, that we find ourselves beholden to the dark lord’s desires. Fairness, equity, and inclusion statements all owe their substance to ignoring “thou shalt not covet.”
As US citizens, and their respective CPAs, trudge through another year’s worth of financial activities to create the final recounting and submission of tax obligation to the state, know that money returned or remitted is merely a reflection of one’s favor or disdain in the eyes of the state. More importantly, know that by design, the income taxing process itself is the punishment. Know also, that though the punishment is by the hands of humans on earth, the forces of darkness celebrate in our pain.
It is at this time of the year that a great banquet takes place. In the depths of hell, Beelzebub and Sauron bump glasses and sing high praises to their earthly evil and faithless servant, Karl Marx. For in the whole of their existence in defiance of their Father, never has there been a channeler of darkness so attuned to the unraveling of the Tenth Commandment than Mr. Marx. For the entire Communist Manifesto is dedicated to “nobility” of coveting thy neighbor’s stuff. The dark lords gather in celebration on this annual tax day to honor his work. For they know the unraveling of His children’s love for Him begins by getting them to ignore the Tenth Commandment. They know if they can get those miserable meat bags above to covet that which is not theirs, the dark lords can get them to eventually ignore the other nine Laws. The greatest of these, is getting humans to ignore the first by placing government before God.
The greatest trick the devil ever played was not convincing humans that he didn’t exist. Karl Marx’s writing clearly debunks that notion. The greatest trick the devil ever performed was convincing imperfect humans that they could create perfect systems of diversity, equity, inclusion (DEI.) And, as long as we cling to that ill-fated notion, all of us, from the richest to the poorest, are subjects to the eternal fallacy of DEI. The tax code we suffer is merely an outward manifestation of the power we ceded to the prince of darkness when we submitted to the “nobility” of coveting thy neighbor’s stuff.
You nailed it!
This is superb and a wonderful perspective. I sometimes wonder what we did to deserve the cruel complexity, inhumane structures and self-loathing paradigms that constitute our modern social order. Our systems are so far from promoting the pursuit of happiness, we may need to rewrite the Declaration and Constitution by simply inverting every one of their central tenets the better to align them with the actual outcome.