For Sean Connery fans, the movie, The Untouchables, must be in the top ten of his classic performances. The film depicted Elliot Ness's (Kevin Costner) struggle to bring Chicago's "public enemy #1," Al Capone, to justice. In this movie clip, Jim Malone (Sean Connery) reveals to Ness exactly what he is up against and the deadly peril he faces in his quest to bring down the city's most notorious crime boss.
Al Capone was completely unafraid of the justice system as he had the local police, judges, and politicians on his payroll. He also had a mealy-mouthed accountant, who kept multiple sets of books, that shielded his ill-gotten gains from taxing authorities. Capone roamed the city streets of Chicago with impunity, knowing that, what he couldn't fix with bribery, he could settle with the smoking hot barrel of a Tommy gun. There is a certain smugness that accompanies one who controls all the levers of government power - a boldness, if you will, that places one above the law and thus "Untouchable."
Untouchable is where we are in the United States. Accept, instead of a judicious prosecutor trying to bring down an untouchable crime syndicate, we the people are up against an untouchable and above the law state apparatus. Heretofore, in America's 230 plus years and 44 prior presidents, the number of criminal indictments against past presidents is zero. The number of indictments against president number 45 is at 91 and counting. The irony of the most recent round of criminal charges out of the State of Georgia, is that the alleged wrongdoing revolves around President Trump's claim that the 2020 election was stolen. That, in the very State that Stacy Abrams' failed bid to become governor in 2018 is still being contested by her for five years and counting.
We live in a time where the government system protects the political party that funds its largess. Currently, that favor is towards the party known as Democrats. But make no mistake, if Republicans were willing to up the ante and outbid Democrat in funding our unelected overlords, Democrats leaders would find themselves at the tip of the indictment spear. What this riff by powerful state organized agencies has created within the United States is a cold civil war. This is not a war where blue and gray coats line up against each other on a battlefield in a flurry of bullets, but a cold war where led is replaced with "legal."
Currently, the Democrats back by the protective state are wielding lawfare as their weapon of choice. This did not begin with President number 45. For some years now the Justice Department has been using lawfare to suppress their political enemies. (Just to be sure that there is a mutual understanding, lawfare is the use of legal systems and institutions to damage or delegitimize an opponent, or to deter individual's usage of their legal rights.)
The roles have now flipped, instead of our Justice Department chasing down crime syndicates like wily old Al Capone, we have a "justice syndicate” that wages legal war on citizens that threatens its unrepresented existence. One of the “go to” lawfare weapon is charging or overcharging "process" violations. These are procedures designed to tie up a political victim in a "legal process," thus requiring expensive defense, tarnishes reputations, and drains political coffers. It matters not whether there is any legal justification for the indictment, it only matters that the process violation makes headlines and distracts the political opponent from going on offense. Anybody doubting the existence of this type of lawfare should have a conversation with Gen. Flynn. In the Pres. Trump indictments, most of them are what would be classified as process violations. In the case of New York indictments, the DA went a bold step further by elevating misdemeanor-style charges to felony prosecutions.
What can be no longer ignored is that the American people are caught in the crossfire of lawfare by elite government agents battling their political enemies. As a result of this cold civil war, each one of us will have to choose a side. The options are:
Cheerlead the tyrannical prosecutorial State
Support founding principles of limited government
Netflix, chill and send memes
To be sure, history will record which side becomes victorious and one’s place for eternity will be judged by which of the above actions was taken as well.
As my old philosophy professor and mentor said as I was approaching the defense of my contested senior thesis, "Mr. Nelson, you know you are right if you have the right enemies." As I witness the deep state cutting a wide swath through the reelection path of our former president, I also keep a keen eye on who their next target will be. As is often the case, finding the “right” is as easy as seeking what evil detests. In this case, the evil protective state apparatchik, while they are publicly using all their government allocated resources to bring down one, Donald J Trump, are behind the scenes prepping the legal battlefield for their next mark. If, lawfare is successful at knee-capping Pres. Trump thus keeping him off the presidential ballot and Florida's governor, Ron DeSantis, emerges as the presumed GOP frontrunner, Democrat backed DAs around the country will unleash a flurry of indictments against him as well.
To this end, it is entirely apparent why Gov. DeSantis is a threat. During the COVID crazy-eyed governmental control binge of three years ago, only two governors truly pushed back against "all-knowing" state agencies, Gov. Kim Reynolds of Iowa, and Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida. The simple fact that Gov. DeSantis is running for the Republican nomination for president and will be the presumptive front runner should legal proceedings prevent Pres. Trump from continuing the race, makes him a threat to the system. I think the deep state is certain they got Pres. Trump firmly under wraps and more than likely will get one of the 91 indictments to stick thus rendering him a felon and ineligible for reelection. The real mark right now is on Gov. DeSantis. In the four plus years he has been governor of Florida, no other Republican government leader has used the power of their office to fight back so thoroughly against the communist-inspired, extra constitutional state establishments than him.
But be warned, the reason I led with the movie clip from The Untouchables is because we are now active participants in this storyline. If Gov. DeSantis becomes our next president, I have no doubt he will, in the words of Jim Malone, fight the government crime syndicate the "Chicago Way." He has already promised, if elected, he would cut government bureaucratic agencies by 50%. That threat alone must have the praetorian guard of DC scrambling for how to use lawfare against their newest perceived "public enemy #1."
The question to all voters of this crumbling republic is, "what are we prepared to do about it?"
It has been said that “God has a special providence for fools, drunkards, and the United States of America.” Fitting neatly into two those categories, I can personally attest that the Divine protection ends once fear of God is replaced with hubris and personal ambition. President Trump, if he takes the stand in his own defense, will personally raise his right hand, and promise before God and world to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. But for overzealous prosecutors, no such oath is required.
For a man in pursuit of life, liberty and happiness, the hierarchy of fidelity is and always will be, God, family, country, and then self. That is why true warriors will sacrifice themselves in service of their country to save their family under the promise of Divine destiny. However, in politically motivated prosecutions, that hierarchy necessarily is reversed. The AGs, media pundits, and sycophantic cheerleaders of these 91 criminal indictments are operating under a reversed hierarchy. Most clearly, they have inserted themselves as the highest authority, and country second. In this lawfare induced state, even families subordinate the objectives of powerful DAs, because those cheering the prosecutions of Pres. Trump have not the foresight to see how their personal vendetta against the "orange man" will have far more lasting negative impacts on their families subjected to a tyrannical state. And finally, their actions desecrate God by placing Divine wisdom at the bottom of the heap. That is, if God is acknowledged at all.
When a county finds itself in this storied predicament, as always befalls late-stage Republics, God's blessing will not endure. If one is unwilling to push for an American revival, under a God first hierarchy, the safest course will be to tarry forth as a fool or take up heaven drinking. Because there is no "Kraken" coming to save our Republic. There is no elected savior that will magically appear and wash the sins of our fractured society free of recompense. Meming and Netflix are not noble actions and only render one a useful idiot to one of the Malthusian fractured sides.
Get the hierarchy right or prepare to put an end to socialism experiment once and for all. Because if the greatest county in the history of our planet, the country that has lifted more people out poverty and has represented a true beacon of freedom in an otherwise dismal world, can go from first to worst in one generation, we should be able to prove once and for all, that socialism as a viable form of government, save its ability to instill power and riches into a few "dear leaders," is a failed experiment.
We are in a cold lawfare battle for the United States' soul. What are you prepared to do? (As an author and one willing to point a finger at government, this statement cannot be overemphasized, "what are you legally prepared to do?") Some countries have a "loser pays" legal system that holds the party that file frivolous lawsuits financially responsible. Seems to me, the United States should apply that same standard to overzealous, fame seeking prosecutors. If we wish to end lawfare, we must pass legislation that holds DA’s personally responsible for filing warrantless legal charges against individuals of perceived political threat. Penalizing and incarcerating those who file frivolous indictments against political enemies will ensure that only the most provable criminal indictments of political leaders will see the light of day. Maybe then, heretofore untouchable prosecutors will find out it is no fun when the rabbit has the gun!
Until government protected prosecutors can be held accountable for politicizing their offices of authority, the lawfare "bullets" will continue and they will stack up more bodies than the Valentines Massacre of 1929. We have just witnessed the rat-a-tat-tat of 91 bullets from the DOJ's and various AG’s Tommy guns towards Donald Trump. The lull in the action is not because they have tired of spraying legal indictments against their rivals, they are simply reloading the 30-round magazine and waiting for the next political threat to appear.