This is very good Bruce - always open and read your essays as soon as I see them in my inbox and I hope your receiving a commensurate level of attention and engagement. The question of course is how to resist and how to live a happy life free from their coercive and despicable nonsense.

I am sure God is working his purpose out and probably needs the Schwabs and Gates’ of this world his wonders to perform, and that therefore we should mind our own business and leave Him to His. But it still requires resistance from us as we live our daily lives…Reading Roepke on this at the moment and there is no doubt that delaying resistance certainly makes it exponentially worse…Have a great weekend Steven

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Steven, thank you for you comments. Next week will be my 20th Substack offering and my subscribers increase with each post. I have no doubt God's will is played out through the most unlikely individuals and to that end, the Schwabs and Gates are playing their part. I also believe God demands action and does not reward the passive spectators in the Colosseum. At the risk of becoming loin fodder, I choose to leave the safety of the sidelines and follow Truth wherever She may lead me.

I am looking forward to your thoughts on Roepke. Cheers!

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