What makes a World Economic Forum participant wake up with tremors and night sweats? The thought of seven billion people living happy self-sustaining lives. Throughout history, this has been the elites' nightmare. All who accumulate wealth know that keeping it is far more difficult than amassing it. Which is surprising because, at least in the modern era, wealth is accumulated via expanding markets and commerce among all classes. Yet, something happens when the wealthy make it to the pinnacle of success. They suddenly get the notion that wealth is a finite pie and the only way they can hold onto their portion, is to make sure they control everyone else’s slice. Historically, this has been the case and elites have been concocting ever more elaborate crises to fool the public into funding their continued carve-outs and wealth preserving privileges.
Climate change is just the newest manipulation in an age-old custom. Elites have been using existential threats to control their subjects throughout all ages. To this end, religions have been powerful tools used to subdue the masses into accepting the elitist’s status quo. Wars with neighboring kingdoms also went a long way towards establishing a need for taxing and maintaining the protection racket known as nobility. Fast forward to the modern industrial era, our wealthy elites have shifted their money hoarding schemes into massive lobbying (government sponsored protection) efforts. But the greatest worldwide money grab and protection racket ever perpetrated on humanity, at least since Martin Luther exposed Pope Leo X's money grab known as selling indulgences, is climate change. And just like the church elite structure 600 years ago colluded in creating this fear of eternity in purgatory as the existential threat, our modern elites have simply taken a page out of the same "protecting the elite" handbook by creating the new climate change “theology.” And like all theologies, climate change needs it apostles (Al Gore, AOC and Greta Thunberg and CNN), scholars (far too many universities professors to list) and faithful followers (well, let's just call them the "I, me, my generation.)
This fear by wealthy elites of losing the money that maintains their status is incredibly powerful. Marriages have been created to protected it and wars have been fought to end it. But throughout all history, none have been able to escape the inevitable loss of wealth and power. The Julio-Claudian dynasty lasted only 54 years. In fact, most dynastic powerhouses lasted less than a few hundred years. The longest lasting dynasty Yamato Dynasty in Japan dating from roughly 660 B.C. to 781 A.D, though the world has not seen its equal since. The great pyramids of Egypt certainly have outlived the the reigns of Khufu, Khafre, and Menkaure. All power houses will fall prey to the ravages of time and incompetent offspring. So, to will befall the House of Gates, the House of Bazos and the House of Musk. Creating a climate change bogeyman will not change this inevitable outcome nor will building a base on Mars alter this immutable fact. And, if one needs an example of how many generations it takes to undo a powerhouse dynasty, look no further than Hunter Biden!
With regard to understanding the “shirtsleeves to shirtsleeves in three generations” reality, I have great respect for Andrew Carnegie. Not for his accumulation of wealth, for I understand he was a ruthless businessman, but for his donating of his amassed fortune towards the building of libraries across this great land instead of leaving it to his issue. I am thankful that Andrew Carnegie did not burden us with watching his subsequent generations piss away all the cash while lecturing working families on the necessity of sacrifice for their greater good. That is so much more noble than the modern version of wealth protection by creating the nebulous tax protection scheme called a foundation. The best known such money protection racket was the Clinton Foundation which amassed and protected nearly 300 million dollars by 2018. The world will now have to endure the spectacle of the fall of the House of Clinton over the procedung generations. Mr. Carnegie saved us the annoyance of witnessing his trust fund babies lecture the world on the necessity taxing the lower incomes to save the planet.
Whenever I get the notion that some cosmic change in the universe will alter this fate of wealth retention, I am reminded of the universal truth of verse 44 of the Tao Te Ching:
Fame or one’s own self, which does one love more?
One’s own self or material goods, which has more worth?
Loss (of self) or possession (of goods), which is the greater evil?
Therefore: he who loves most spends most,
He who hoards much loses much.
The contented man meets no disgrace;
Who know when to stop runs into no danger –
He can long endure.
- Lin Yutang translation
Little has changed in humankind since the old master jotted these words down in 400 BC. And all the wars, strategic marriages, papal bulls and government sponsored wealth protection legislation cannot change the undying wisdom of Lao Tzu, that “He who hoards much loses much.” Frankly, I'd rather voluntarily pony up funds to some dusty old pontiff so that he can surround himself in opulent architecture and artwork then be forced to pay taxes to the climate change hegemony who, if they get their desired results, would rain nothing but feudalism, illiteracy, and famine upon the world.
By the way, governments around the world are still selling indulgences in the form of a lottery. But instead of selling a "get our of purgatory" card for the afterlife, governments are selling to the secular masses a chance to enjoy heaven on earth. Don’t believe me? 600 million Mega Millions lottery tickets were sold to reach the 1.2 billion payout won earlier this week. That could fund some beautiful frescoes!
The history of terrified elites concocting schemes to to preserve their wealth aside, the climate change scare is the first such subterfuge adopted by a worldwide alliance. Everyone must understand that the climate change elites know that the scare is not real or else they would be selling their ocean side homes out of fear of submersion. If climate change was going to destroy our planet, they would be selling their gas guzzling jets, yachts and SUVs. But they are not and will not, because this time, instead of selling the hoi polloi a slice of heaven in the afterlife, they are peddling fear, doom, and gloom right here on earth. The stakes the climate change crowd are playing with are catastrophic. If they succeed with green energy, fertilizer free farming and a bovine genocide, they will doom billions of humans to a horrible death. Billions more will suffer a starvation hellscape on earth. And, because a hungry and illiterate people do not buy Apple Phones and Netflex, the elites that put the climate change boondoggle into motion with have no choice but to manage the despair in feudal-like fashion.
This is very good Bruce - always open and read your essays as soon as I see them in my inbox and I hope your receiving a commensurate level of attention and engagement. The question of course is how to resist and how to live a happy life free from their coercive and despicable nonsense.
I am sure God is working his purpose out and probably needs the Schwabs and Gates’ of this world his wonders to perform, and that therefore we should mind our own business and leave Him to His. But it still requires resistance from us as we live our daily lives…Reading Roepke on this at the moment and there is no doubt that delaying resistance certainly makes it exponentially worse…Have a great weekend Steven