Let the Cancelation Games Begin
The Thunderous Roar from the Arena Signals not an Advancing, but Decaying Civilization
In the 21st century, a jilted lover no longer needs to toss a bunny into a pot of boiling water to express dissatisfaction from an inconvenient affair. There are now countless HR departments across a wide spectrum of institutions that are more than happy to boil that message down for the unrequited lover. Suzy Weiss' May 19, 2022 Common Sense article
regarding soon to be fired and leading cancer researcher, David Sabatini is just another feather in the woke battle headdress and proof that our cherished institutions are effective weapons in the hands of aggrieved and morally flexible individuals.
Another example of wokeness "railroading" a disobedient academic was brought to light by National Review's senior writer, Charles Cooke in his May 20th article regarding Princeton's Classics professor, Joshua Katz. Katz, who is also slated to be fired, ran afoul of his associates for suggesting that a campus student organization behaved like a terrorist organization. Finally, we have the emergence of an Elon Musk sexual harassment 2016 allegation that was silently settled years ago. Mr. Musk, who is currently too wealthy to be fired, is now learning that wokeness redress remains dormant as long as one tows the prevailing party line. Break that sacred covenant, for even a moment, and the volume on the woke amplifier gets turned up to eleven!
In the United States, HR kangaroo courts are the sands of the arena and large segments of our society are the gleeful spectators who cheer personal destruction at the hands of well-armed diversity warriors. In this post-modern world, Facebook is the Circus Maximus and Twitter is the Colosseum. Spectators, who would literally soil themselves if thrust into the arena of ideas, encircle the fighters from their social media perches, shouting, "kill, kill, kill." Media mogul elites sit comfortably in their luxury boxes with level hand extended, taunting the mob to will their thumb down.
In the end it matters not whether our idea fighter receives a thumbs up or down. Either way, once he found himself thrust onto the floor of the Colosseum, our gladiator is marked for death. If our combatant seeks a thumbs up approval by sufficiently groveling at the feet of the overlords, his career is still over and the scarlet "I" of insurrection remains permanently affixed to his forehead. The thumbs up option also takes a piece of his soul, which is the goal of the soulless mob and the reason they bought a ticket to the show. Being immediately condemned with a thumbs down merely hastens the condemn’ s killing blow, although the speed of execution may preserves his integrity long enough to pass judgement from this world to the next.
Those who study history should not be surprised that our nation has come to enjoy the blood sport of publicly destroying the outliers our society, specifically those deplorables willing to seek Truth over personal security. The 245 years since our nation's founding mirrors the time that both the United States and ancient Rome spanned before became superpowers. In ancient Rome, the gladiatorial games began around the time Rome vanquished its great foe, mighty Carthage. With no other regional enemy to unite the Romans in a common cause, they turned inward to find " the enemies within." The end of the Punic wars freed up leisure time and a leisure Rome turned Senator against Senator, citizen against citizen and developed an appetite for blood. United States superpower status after the same 245 years has yielded a similar leisure time conundrum and we now cheer the brutal blood sport called cancelation!
For a society to devolve itself to such a base level that it enjoys the spectacle of human suffering for mere entertainment of depraved individuals, especially when the suffering fulfils relative political euphoria, a collective lapse of moral clarity must be present. Western cultures have embarked in over a century of libertinism of which the 1973 US Supreme Court ruling in Roe v Wade was its crowning achievement. Why bring Roe v Wade into this argument? Because, to understand how a people can come to love the blood sport of personal destruction, one needs to first understand how a society subdues its moral responsibility. What Roe v Wade taught was that the individual choice was superior to all other, including our Creator. Roe v Wade brought forth the notion that the individual, in an all-out sacrifice to the spirit of Narcissus, could put their life and entertainment above all others. And just like the ancient Romans, the morally shallow take personal satisfaction in surrounding the social media arena to cheer on the demise of a fellow human being. Roe was not responsible for creating this tragic stage whereby one human willfully cancels life of another for the pure individual enjoyment, Roe is merely a symptom of an ailing society already bereft of compassion and forgiveness.
An early form of Christianity slowly reformed Rome and the gladiator games ended under emperor Constantine in 325 AD. And just over five hundred years ago, an abbot named Martin Luther kicked off a reformation rebuking a decrepit church that sold indulgences to the morally susceptible spectators of the day. Sadly, the secularization of our Christian churches today, especially woke white urban churches, are doing noting to stem this tide of base entertainment. These churches foster leaders that no longer preach from the pulpit a message that challenges one’s conscience into becoming a better moral person, but happily egg on the “me, my, mine” narcissistic mob to pursue an individually satisfying type of political “justice.” Our “Christian” preachers are now the cheerleaders of our newest form of blood sport called cancelation, and they must contort themselves, in feign Jesus-like fashion, to angerly “overturn the tables” of social injustice. Sadly, our ministers are far more worried about their/them appearance before (insert plethora of pronouns) parishioners then sacred duty to God.
Cancelation is not a game and the deaths in our virtual arena are real. The gap of this societal moral decay leaves an opening for evil. And right now, those evil forces are currently assembled in Davos, as well as state houses around the world. They do not need to twist all the people to their evil world dominating dystopian ways. For these forces of evil to succeed, they need only turn righteous indignation of one group of citizens against each other. Sufficient groundwork has been laid for the "Build Back Better" crowd to forgo their moral obligation to love thy neighbor. And for coming to that point in our society, we have Roe v Wade to thank because 50+ years of teaching a society to ignore its moral responsibility towards our most vulnerable citizens was fist necessary to build this divided house. As history has taught us, coming to a moral conscience too late in the game only clarifies the extent to which we, and our offspring surviving choice, will suffer to reclaim moral rectitude and demand our leaders do the same. Christianity saved a morally vanquish Roman citizen 1500 years ago. Christianity saved a corrupt church 500 years ago. What those of us that are witnessing a sick and morally vacant society today, a society that takes such pleasure in the sport of personal destruction, wonder is, does Christianity have within itself to three-peat?
This is an excellent piece Bruce and a great metaphor. I will have to think a while about your thesis that Roe vs Wade heralded in the „Age of Me First“ - it‘s an interesting point but given the weakness of that judgement and the urgent need for its reform and clarification along with the sensitivity of the subject itself (I lived through the recent Irish referendum which repealed the draconian abortion laws in this country), I am not sure I would give it the epoch-defining significance you choose to. But you may be correct. Love that you are wisening your scope with your letter and very much enjoy your writing.