Thanks for articulating this issue. I find it extremely irritating when restaurants do this. We had two service charges added to a "to go" list at a tourist place Rim Rock BBQ in Payson Arizona. It added nearly 20% to the cost and it may have been on the menu someplace but it wasn't on the giant wall menu. This place is scratched off my list for good.

I do a double take when a sit-down restaurant does this ploy. I'm twice annoyed because it also cuts my desire and ability to award the waitress or waiter a well-deserved tip--- because I got through college in part thanks to tips I earned with hard-work waitressing. Restaurants that value their employees are stupid to do this. Unfortunately places like Seattle, where the city council plays socialist/DEI wage games, I can see why restaurants get embarrassed and want to distance themselves and clarify the source of the mandated price increase.

When I'm able, I give a cash tip to help ensure the waitperson who gave great service actually gets the money. It's never clear if and how a restaurant distributes tips noted on a VISA card. Of course, using a credit card assures both VISA and the IRS always get their claim to part of the tip. VISA adds so much to the cost of small business its appalling.

Much worse, coming down the pike is Biden's & WEF/globalists's plan to implement digital currency ASAP. Then cash goes away AND we set the stage for ready goverment implementation of creepy (Canadian-like) censorship controls via seizure of our personal bank accounts. Sigh.

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The best thing to do is vote with your wallet. Restaurants are fickle and competition is stiff. Send the message by not dining at service charging restaurants. Thanks for the detailed response, many feel your pain.

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