The hymnal is becoming all but unrecognizable- I struggle to sing some of the new words with clumsy rhyming schemes and attempts to combine poetry with modern sensibilities (which seem to change faster than the seasons). Recently we sang 'this is my father's world'. But the specificity of the word 'father' is out of favor, so they changed the words to 'this is God's wondrous world'. Hmm...

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Sadly, I too have been separated from the church where my family had been actively involved. The congregation was divided by a small group of adamant mask-wearing, jab pushing adherents to “the science.” When I and others pointed out that the faith was why we came together, the response was visceral and vicious. These folks were some of the longstanding members, and the leaderships’ silence was deafening. We are keenly aware of the importance of congressional worship, and feel that void in our lives.

Very well written, sir. Thank you.

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You are welcome. I thought long and hard over publishing this article because I was the outlier in my church. But in the end, I believe it needed to be said.

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Well said and written. I went through exactly the same experience myself, and I cried at the end of a service I had to force myself to sit through masked and separated by crime-scene tape, with the sanctimonious hand-sanitizer women wardens thrilled at being able to enforce their idiotic humiliation rituals on the congregations (hand sanitizing for an airborne virus! God give me strength) adding to the brainless cruelty of the whole pitiful affair. But worst of all was the pathetic travesty of communion: on each seat - 6 ft / 2m apart of course - were little pre-packed cartons, like the ones coffee creamer come in on aeroplanes containing a portion of grape juice and an industrial piece of edible cardboard. This pathetic and risible attempt to make the central act of our Christian lives - the coming together to break bread and reaffirm our faith in Christ - into a “safe” act was heart-breaking. I can think of no other word for it. I thought then as now that the Luciferian nihilists, the Ministry of Truth sociopaths who mandated this absurd travesty, must be rolling in the corridors laughing at the sheer stupidity of the entire Christian community for willingly succumbing to their nonsense. I have not been to Church since and won’t be going again until I find a Church that has the backbone to stand up and ban the nihilists and their entire Opus DEI from the premises. I am thinking about converting a small stable into a place of worship and opening to secessionists like myself where we can sing, hold hands, break bread, commune and reflect. Thank you for writing this. Happy New Year Bruce

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