This is Brilliant! You hit the proverbial nail on the head, Bruce. Not only can I (unfortunately) attest to the insane brutality of the family court system after divorce (it actively seeks to wreck a father’s rights without remorse), but after dating online off/on for 8+ years …I can also attest to the horrific time suck online dating has become. It is literally like having a 2nd job! However, The Lord brought me and my wife together in a way that makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand up to this day (and no, she wasn’t a product of an online search). It took 8 years …but I found my soulmate.
Will be waiting patiently for Part 2 of your next post. Bravo dear sir…BRAVO!
Well my friend, you have eluded to where part two will take us. The modern "me first" mentality in a presumed "equal partnerships" entirely negates God will for us. It also strips the power and beauty of two people working together in loving concert to tackle life's challenges. The big lie told is, that we can achieve that blissful state while going it alone. That lie is then packaged as wisdom and sold to a secular society.
Thanks for your comments. Look for my conclusion next Sunday.
This is Brilliant! You hit the proverbial nail on the head, Bruce. Not only can I (unfortunately) attest to the insane brutality of the family court system after divorce (it actively seeks to wreck a father’s rights without remorse), but after dating online off/on for 8+ years …I can also attest to the horrific time suck online dating has become. It is literally like having a 2nd job! However, The Lord brought me and my wife together in a way that makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand up to this day (and no, she wasn’t a product of an online search). It took 8 years …but I found my soulmate.
Will be waiting patiently for Part 2 of your next post. Bravo dear sir…BRAVO!
Well my friend, you have eluded to where part two will take us. The modern "me first" mentality in a presumed "equal partnerships" entirely negates God will for us. It also strips the power and beauty of two people working together in loving concert to tackle life's challenges. The big lie told is, that we can achieve that blissful state while going it alone. That lie is then packaged as wisdom and sold to a secular society.
Thanks for your comments. Look for my conclusion next Sunday.