As usual, I appreciate your work and feel as if I were chatting with a kindred spirit in a coffeehouse. Thank you

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Thank you. I like mine straight up, no cream or sugar

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Bruce, well-written and on point. However, don’t forget …”greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world”. Christ Himself, when asked about when he was going to help his countrymen throw off their Roman yoke, simply said …“render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s and unto God what is God’s”. Although this truism doesn’t help us in our deep desire to throw off our 21st century version of ‘Ceasar-esque overloads’ as quickly as we would like or hope, it does give one context and appreciation about how the human condition has been unhappy with its political/cultural state for millennia.

My personal way of coping these past 10 years+ ? No more (VERY little) TV… and then only sports. A highly selected/curated social media diet intended to unplug from the Borg-collective and gain perspective (daily) by focusing on our faith, family, community …and a quieter existence in the country.

And lest anyone reading this decides to dismiss these thoughts as those of possible bible-pounding Luddite-hermit …we just sold a large Amazon business doing nearly $60MM/yr in sales. We traveled coast to coast (via Motorcoach) for years building our clientele (mostly large Strategics) 90% of whom are all drinking the democratic kool-aid.

Perspective, prayer, a strong faith in the ‘words written in red’ …and a good dose of the Bruce Nelson’s of the world… are my personal kryptonnite-concoction gladly imbibed when the world creeps in a little too much.

Thank you for being a part of my weekly life. Keep it up!

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Thanks for the support, I will try to keep the "doses" within due bounds.

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